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Friday, July 20, 2012

I won! You like me, you really like me!!

Wow! I was nominated by 2 bloggers that I follow and love to read for this award
Check out both of their blogs  the first blogger is The Hip Teacher and the second blogger to give me this award is Mission Control . Both are new bloggers that I found from the newbie linky party (see previous post). Now, imagine the lights dimmed, with just a spotlight on the stage as I walk up to claim my award. I'm wearing the latest designer fashion dress- a sparkly sequined lime green dress with matching shoes! My hair is in a tasteful upsweep and my nails and make up are perfectly done (a girl can dream, right?). I approach the microphone to make my acceptance speech and... "bzzzzz..." "Can someone get the clothes out of the dryer?" (Big sigh..) Such is the true life of a blogger award winner! Now onto the rules of accepting this award-
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and include a link to their site.
2. Include the award image in your post.
3. Give seven random facts about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award and include a link to their site.
5. Let bloggers know they've been nominated.
So thank you again to The Hip Teacher and Mission Control. Now for the 7 random facts about me.
1. I took piano lessons for 12 years, but sadly still cannot play without music!
2. I taught special ed. on an island in Lake Erie, Put in Bay and had to fly to another island to coordinate lessons with a teacher in a one room schoolhouse!
3. I love cats, cows and owls.
4. When I lived on Put in Bay (the island) I helped bring a ferryboat down through the locks of the Erie Canal. Mainly I rode along and prepared meals for the crew!
5. I am the first person in my family to graduate from college and get my master's degree!
6. I once lived in a converted one room schoolhouse, that my parents' owned and that my dad was born in!
7. Even though now I'm pretty quiet around people I don't know very well, when I was in 4th grade I talked to anyone that I sat by! It didn't matter if it was a boy or girl! It got so bad that the teacher put a blab (a cloth headband) on my mouth!
Now for the nominations - which is getting hard to find people that don't already have this award!
1. Teaching my Friends
2. The Teaching Thief
3. Ashleigh's Education Journey
4. Third Grade is a Hoot
5. Think * Share * Teach
6. Will Grade for Coffee
7. The Wise and Witty Teacher
8. Plant, Grow, Bloom!
9. I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher
10. Heather's Heart
11. A Special Kind of Class

I know this is only 11, but they are absolutely great blogs. I will try to find 4 more bloggers that are deserving of this award and don't already have it! It's hard as there are so many great bloggers out there!


Amanda Kendall said...

Thank you for the award! I can't believe you lived in a school house! Wow! That is totally cool. :)

The Teaching Thief

Marie@Procrastinating in Pink said...

I took piano lessons forever and am just terrible! That is such an accomplishment to be the only one in your fam to graduate college!